Skin creams and salves

Friday, February 24, 2012

Syrupus Iodo~tannicus

image source: wikimedia commons
164.—Iodine rendered Soluble by Syrup of Orange-peel and Tannin.—M. Debauque mentions in the 'Journal de Pharmacie' of Antwerp, that he has found means of keeping iodine in a state of solution, when added to mixtures in the form of tincture. The author uses, for that purpose, syrup of orange-peel, which answers the purpose perfectly. It was suspected that tannin was mainly instrumental in this result; and this was rendered evident by putting a few grains of tannin into a quantity of water to which tincture of iodine had been added, and in which the iodine had of course been precipitated. The addition of the tannin caused the iodine to be immediately re-dissolved. Thus will the syrup of orange peel be advantageously added to mixtures containing tincture of iodine, and tannin to injections composed of water and the same tincture.—Lancet, Dec. 13, 1851, p. 556.

source: The retrospect of practical medicine and surgery, 1852

Syrupus Iodo~tannicus

source, Year book of Pharmacy, 1903, 1904


This syrup is directed to be prepared according to the following formula:—Iodine two grammes; extract of rhatany root, eight grammes ; water and sugar, of each a sufficient quantity to make a syrup, one kilogramme. Care must be taken that the extract of rhatany root employed for this purpose should be completely soluble; and in order to secure this complete solubility, the extract should be prepared in vacuo. The iodine is then to be dissolved in a small quantity of alcohol, and subsequently mixed with the extract of rhatany root, previously dissolved in water. The mixture is then to be poured into a glass mattrass, and carefully set aside for some hours, so that the reaction of the iodine and the extract of rhatany upon each other may be complete, which will be known by the deposition of a brown pulverulent mass.

This is to be entirely separated by filtration, nnd then repeatedly washed with water, so as to remove any portion of iodine that it may contain; the various strained or filtered liquids are to be mixed logether, and submitted to slow evaporation by means of a vapour bath, and when sufficiently concentrated, the sugar is to be added, so as to produce a syrup, which, when well prepared, should have a fine red colour, and a very agreeable taste. It will contain six centigrammes of iodine in thirty of the vehicle, and it may be preserved without undergoing alteration for an almost indefinite time. In preparing this syrup, care must be taken that glass vessels be employed.

Normal lodo-Tannic Solution.—This solution of iodo-tannin is directed to be prepared by triturating together five grammes of iodine, forty-five grammes of tannin, and one thousand grammes of water. The solution of the iodine and tannin in the water is soon effected, when it is to be filtered, and concentrated, by careful evaporation, until it is so far reduced as to amount to one hundred grammes, after having sedulously examined it by means of starched paper.

Ioduretted lodo-Tannic Solution.—This solution of iodo-tannin is directed to bo prepared in the same manner as the former, by triturating together five grammes of iodine, ten grammes of tannin, and ninety grammes of water, and subsequently promoting the solution in a glass mattrass, by means of gentle heat obtained from a sand-bath. This solution possesses the decided advantage of retaining the iodine it contains, in such perfect solution, that it is not deposited whatever amount of water may be added with the intention of diluting it, lor it thus becomes soluble in every proportion of this vehicle; and it may therefore be substituted for the various solutions of iodine made by the intervention of either alcohol or potassa. The two latter solutions of iodo-tannin are recommended for external use, and the first—the syrup of iodo-tannin—for internal use, by Messrs. Socquet and (G?)uillermond, who, in a paper communicated to the 'Bulletin General de Therapeutique,' state that, in the preparation of the syrup of iodo-tannin, they invariably avail themselves of tannin contained in rhatany root, whereas, in the preparation of the solutions for external use, they make use of tannin obtained from oak-bark.—Annals of Pharmacy. —Dublin Hospital Gazette, Sept. 15, 1854, p. 255.

source: The retrospect of practical medicine and surgery, unknown publication date.
image source: wikimedia commons

Monday, February 20, 2012

Amber beads as a goiter remedy



"Goitre is so common that, unless the neck be very thick, it is not considered to be anything abnormal; hence my first table will only show most unmistakable goitres.
Many well-known facts will also be seen brought out strongly—as the greater tendency in women, and the greater liability of the right side.

I obtained from the villagers their ideas as to causes, and subjoin these in the order of their belief:—Family; water; parturition; strains and coughing; overcrowding; cold..
As to sources of relief, they mention—wearing of flannel; pressure of shirt-collar; heavy bead necklaces; change of residence, and climacteric change."

source: The Lancet, 1872

"Thyrocele or simple goiter is most common in young girls at puberty. As a rule, it subsides in a few months without treatment. The wearing ofamber beads is supposed by the laity to have a curative effect upon goiter—it is in these cases that such good results are obtained and tend to keep up the superstition."

source: The International journal of surgery, Volume 26, 1913

amber necklace

Q. What effect does an amber necklace have upon goiter?

A. The same effect as a moss agate cuff button.

source: Buffalo Sanitary Bulletin, 1914

"In spite of investigations ...Laymen and physicians are still in mystery about it(goiter). Superstition, ranging from the wearing of a chain of costly amber beads ..."

source: Eclectic Medical Journal, Volume 78, 1918

"From the earliest times amber has been supposed to operate as a charm, so that it has been used as an amulet, and for purposes of ornament it is the most ancient of all gems (Legends of Gems). It is a congener of Jet, with which it is found. It is highly electric, so that the Greeks called it electron—hence the name electricity. Pliny states that a necklace of amber beads would guard against secret poison and keep off witchcraft and sorcery.

Amber was, and still is, used as a remedy for all throat affections, including goitre, and also as a cure for pain in the stomach, jaundice, asthma, gout, dropsy, heart disease, and dysentery."

source: Archaeologia, or, Miscellaneous tracts, 1871

all images courtesy of Wiki Commons

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Iodine Voice

"I refuse on principle to shake hands when there is an R in the month, and before going to bed I run iodine into my hands and inhale it." ~Erika Koeth, German Operatic Soprano.

from Wiki: "...She had a small voice of great agility with a range extending remarkably high..."

source: New Scientist, January 31, 1974

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Iodine Inhalant

Carbolate of Iodine

A cure for Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs—even Consumption, if taken in season. It wilt break up a cold at once. It is the King of Cough Medicines, Hoarseness or Sore Throat resulting from exposure or over-exercise of the voice relieved in a few minutes A few inhalations will correct the most Offensive Breath. To persons subject to nervous Headache and inability to sleep, it is a blessing. It may be carried as handily as a penknife or pencil. Is approved by physicians of every school, endorsed by the leading medical journals of the world, and has a larger and more extensive sale than any medical instrument ever invented.

over 300,000 in use. Sold by all druggists. 

source: The Express Gazette, 1884

and from the Canadian Practitioner, 1887. Please note, over 400,000 sold!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Iodine Sublime

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the physical properties and sublimation of iodine.

Iodine derives its name from iodos, a Greek word signifying violet-colored; but the transcendent beauty of the color of its vapor requires further elucidation than simply saying that it has a violet hue. If a little iodine be placed on a hot tile, it rises into a magnificent dense vapor, fit for the last scene of a theatrical representation. This remarkable substance was discovered by accident about forty years ago. At that period chemical philosophy was in great repute, owing principally to the brilliant discoveries of Sir Humphrey Davy. So singular a substance as iodine was to Davy a source of infinite pleasure. He studied its nature and properties with the fondness and zeal of a child at a Puzzle-map. His great aim was to prove its compound nature: but in this he failed; and to this day it is believed to be one of the primitive elements of the world we live in. Iodine is found in almost every natural substance with which we are acquainted, although in very minute portions. The sea furnishes an inexhaustible supply of iodine: all the fish, the shells, the sponges, and weeds of the ocean, yield it in passing through the chemical sieve. Whatever be the food of sea-weeds, it is certain that iodine forms a portion of their daily banquet; and to these beautiful plants we turn when iodine is to be manufactured for commercial purposes. The weeds cast up by the boiling surf upon the desolate shores of the sea-islands, would at first sight appear among the most useless things in the world; but they are not; their mission is fulfilled; they have drawn the iodine from the briny wave and are ready to yield it up for the benefit and happiness of man. The inhabitants of the Tyrol are subject to a very painful disease, called goitre or cretinism-; for this malady iodine is a perfect cure. 

Go, and have your portrait painted as you are. Photography tells the whole truth without flattery; and the colors used in the process are only silver and iodine.—Septimus Piesse.

source: Littel's Living Age, Volume 45, 1855

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Curing the bronchocele (goiter), 1779

A few observations I found interesting...

~ that bronchocele was more commonly found in women, especially married(childbearing) women.

~that bronchocele was more commonly found in deep valleys, not found in sunny areas.

~that the cure was not by the knife.

~that the cure must be effected by internal means, not topical applications.

~one of the efficacious cures includes the roots of madder boiled in mutton broth. Madder is high in tannins. Tannins can act on gastrointestinal infection and can also be antiparasitical so if the goiter was due to compromised digestive function then madder would indeed effect a cure.

~ and of course sponge effects a cure. Iodine!

 "Cases and remarks in surgery: to which is subjoined, an appendix, containing the method of curing the bronchocele in Coventry", by Bradford Wilmer, 1779